About Juan Es Alzate
Since 2008, Juan has been working with shamanism to effect healing change in his life and the life of others. This work has taken Juan all around the world, working and training with shamans from China, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and throughout the USA.
Juan has trained and is experienced in: psychic intuitive development, Reiki, Akashic Records, Yoga, Kungfu, Tantra, Transformational Psychology, Holotropic and Shamanic Breathwork to name a few.
Juan completed the core of his shamanic training with Alberto Villoldo at The Four Winds Society in 2012. Since 2017 Juan has been diving deep in the Tantric Arts and is a Facilitator for ISTA-International School of Temple Arts, having completed all courses offered, with 500+ hrs. of studies.
Juan is dedicated to bringing shamanic and tantric healing to all humanity, especially those who are ready to go on and take responsibility for their own healing journey.

Shamanic Transformational Healing & Coaching
My shamanic services can assist you with any issue or challenge in your life! Whether it is emotional, physical, mental, relationships, financial, etc. If you have not found the answer to your challenges, shamanic healing work can help!
Together with the creation of a powerful intention and time-tested shamanic techniques and methods for healing, we can bring positive energy to address almost any challenge you are experiencing in your life. We work together to empower your spiritual & energetic connections in order to release, heal, shift what no longer serves you, and create, manifest, bring in all the good you desire into your life.
Below are some of the processes and practices that I use in my sessions.

Shamanic Intuitive Healing & Readings
This type of healing allows us to begin the healing journey and get to the root of whatever issue you want to work & gain clarity on. Together we will develop a powerful plan to assist you to move forward through your personal healing journey.
Shamanic Intuitive Coaching
These Sessions allow you to integrate the energetic healing work, with your practical everyday life. Through powerful guidance paired with each healing process, you are able to deeply root and strengthen into your desired growth.
Full Shamanic Healing Sessions
There are four core shamanic healing sessions that are offered as a package; Illuminations, Extractions, Soul Retrievals, & Destiny Retrievals. Together they bring a complete transformational healing journey, for any challenge you are facing.
Shamanic Healing Ceremonies & Transformational Events
When we come together in ceremony and celebration we can experience a deep level of interconnection with ourselves, our human tribe, and the life-giving forces on earth. Through ceremony we do our healing work together supporting ourselves and each other. I am a Facilitator for ISTA the International School of Temple Arts. Click the link below to check out my upcoming events and join us!

Since 2010, I have had the pleasure of working with thousands of people from all walks of life. Here are just a few of their testimonials and experiences from our work together.