Juan ES Alzate
A.k.a. Luminous Healer

Since 2008, Juan Es has been working with shamanism to effect healing change in his life and the life of others. This work has taken JuanEs all around the world, working and training with shamans from China, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and throughout the USA.
JuanEs has trained and is experienced in; psychic intuitive development, Reiki, Akashic Records, Yoga, Kungfu, Tantra, Transformational Psychology, Holotropic and Shamanic Breathwork to name a few.
Juan Es completed the core of his shamanic training with Alberto Villoldo at The Four Winds Society in 2012. Since 2017 Juan has been diving deep in the Tantric Arts becoming a faculty apprentice with ISTA-International School of Temple Arts, completing all courses offered, with 500+ hrs. of studies.
Juan Es is dedicated to bringing shamanic and tantric healing to all humanity, especially those who are ready to go on and take responsibility for their own healing journey.